Sunday, February 28, 2010



A cohesive and resilient society with responsible citizens.

To nurture a community of learners who believe in Singapore and understand what matters to Singapore.


(1) Nurture a community of learners who have a sense of belonging and pride to theschool (their identity as SST students)

(2) Create challenging and fulfilling experiences in promoting citizenship education and cross cultural understanding (through systemic structures and platforms put in place school-wide)

(3) Develop world-ready and future-looking student ambassadors to represent SST and Singapore

(4) Raise the national consciousness of the SST student community (as we forge ahead to become a globally connected institution)

  1. Looking at the broad school goals for NE committee and the profile of your class, work in your class groups, how your NE committee envisions to work together with the class to achieve the NE goals for the school.
  2. Create an NE blog in your class's blog to write and share your NE committee's vision for the class.
  3. Knowing how your NE committee wishes to work together with the class to achieve the NE goals, determine the roles and responsibilities of the members in your NE committee and list them down in the NE blog that your committee has just created.

National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".
  1. Propose 2 ways to celebrate National Education together. The way to celebrate should let students understand the significance of the theme and to let students (citizens or non-citizens) respect the sovereignty of Singapore.
  2. If recognition for student ambassadors of NE committee should be done on that day, what forms of recognition does your NE committee think are most appealing to students and appropriate for the occasion? Post your suggestions in the comment box, with your name and class written clearly in the comment.
  3. If one competition should be held during the celebration, what kind of competition should we create that promotes the theme while letting students showcase their talents?

Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"
  1. Propose 2 ways to celebrate Racial Harmony Day that helps students appreciate and demonstrate their understanding of the theme.
  2. Suggest 1 way how the day can be celebrated with the Youth Olympic Games to demonstrate the theme.
  3. Suggest 1 way how this can also be done during the Character Education and Advisory Period that lead to the climax of the celebration on the actual day.

In your NE blog that you have just created for your class, put up the pictures in the Character Education/ National Education site here given to you and post a blog on the celebration of Chinese New Year celebration in 2010. This will be your first NE publication to your class! Complete this by end of the day and email the link of the blog to your NE teachers.


  1. Amrit 1-05
    I think we should learn about Singapores history and how this country came to be .
    Perheps the competition can be about designing a gadget .
    we can learn about other races on racial harmony day.
    We can learn to play sports from other countries.
    we can learn about the sports during CE and ADV period and play the sports on the actual day.

  2. 1) We could hold a concert.

    2) Paint the Singapore flag on all NE student ambassadors face's using washable (of course) face paint for the day, showing that we played a part in the planning of the event and the importance of NE ambassadors .

    3) An idea for a competition: They could make up a video of an animation with an original song or parody of a song to showcase "what Singapore means to them". We involve technology by using animation as platform for this competition.

    Norullayaley S104

  3. Teoh Yun 1-02
    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".
    1: We can play a game with our classmates.(games relating to NE)
    -We can have a quiz about NE asking them questions to know about their rough understanding of NE.

    2.We can have a badge that would be made only for those who are recognize as the NE committee.

    3.National flag drawing competition.

  4. my name is low wei kang from 104
    1. We can all stay back at school to watch the parade together, enhancing the school spirit and we can decorate the class in the theme Singapore.
    2. get a special pin
    3. Cheer leading (for Singapore )
    4. Let students see the culture and eat the food of other races and we can experience the lives of being another race.
    5. We can have a competition.
    6. Have a count done.

  5. Sun Jie Min (1-07)

    We can have write our hopes for Singapore on the back of a piece of paper with the Singapore Flag.
    Have a competition for drawing a poster related to the topic "Live our dreams, Fly our Flag".

    We can invite people from other countries to talk about their countries and then a quiz.
    We can also have a Malay/Indian/Eurasian food fair.
    There is a video about other races shown during CE and then an online quiz to see what we have learnt.

  6. My name is Helene from s104
    National Day
    1) We can Let each class do a skit that has something to do with the theme of National Day, or We can propose for each class to make a song, and present it to the school on National Day.
    2) The NE committee can be awarded by receiving the certificate.
    3) We could hold a animation competition.
    Racial Harmony Day
    1) Food fair, from different cultures, Concert from students
    2) We could have some sports on the day.
    3) We could discuss how racial harmony is important and play some interesting games on racial harmony, or perhaps act out a skit.

  7. LOH CHENG NGEE 1-01

    National Day
    We could have everyone wear the colours of the flag, red and white on the day we celebrate it. Another way is that we could have the school sing the national day songs on the day, like in primary school.

    For the recognition part, maybe we can get everyone on stage and receive something in front of the school. Something like a ceremony, just not so formal.

    The competition can be something like the amazing race within the school. Like the original Amazing Race, clues can be left around the school about NE. Plus, everyone gets to explore the school and exercise.

    Racial Harmony Day

    We can have the classes design and build something to do with Racial Harmony Day, something on the spot like the bridge during orientation. Another way is that we could have a quiz for each class about Racial Harmony Day.

    Maybe, while going along with the original idea, we can have the classes build something to describe how the Games and Racial Harmony Day have something in common.

    During CE lesson, we could have them play games and other things and build up the excitement for the upcoming YOG.

    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".
    Propose 2 ways to celebrate National Education together. The way to celebrate should let students understand the significance of the theme and to let students (citizens or non-citizens) respect the sovereignty of Singapore.

    1) We can have many educational games about our Singapore and the national events set up in the hall during the national events like Racial Harmony and National Day.

    2) We can set up trips to the children orphanage and set up games where they will also involve the SST students by creating the games in two weeks or so.

  9. Justin Ong(s103)
    Have a concert and have all the classes make a short skit about the independence of singapore
    Put up a exhibition about the events leading up to the independence

  10. Liau Zheng En (1-07)
    A marathon of singing of different national day theme song from 2000 to 2010. A cake can be made to be specially cut by Mr Chua and a special guest. A mind map can be suggested to map out the NE family from the students to the teachers. kite competition can be held as it is related to the theme of this year's celebration. Any form of material can be used to suspend the object in the air with the national flag.

    Sets of different performance by different classes related to racial harmony. An online yet interesting flash game that promotes racial harmony.A poster can be made of the youth olympics games, which is judge by racial harmony. An animation can be shown of racial harmony which gives a impact on them

  11. Make and show a video that has the meaning of the National Day. Competitions. Fund raising. The person must want to be in the NE committee a lot and have love Singapore. GarageBand Competition with a Theme that is related to National Day. Or an iMovie video Competition also with a Theme that is related to National Day. Let everyone in the school go into groups and design a robot that can help Singapore. Maybe by helping the elderly so that the students can showcase their talents while promoting the theme. By Abram Tan Jia Han.(S1-06)

  12. I am Muhammad Hakeem Bin Fathurraman from 104.

    1) We can celebrate it during class lesson and during morning assembly.

    2) We can give them medals, certificates, pins, badges and so on.

    3) Competition on the history of NE.

    4) There could be a presentation on racial harmony and a skit.

    5) We could have a mini competition on YOG.

    6) I am not sure.

  13. We can organize interactive games in which students need to know some information about National Eduction in order to win.
    We can organize a performance for students to help them understand more about National Education.

    Loh Ching Wei, Joshua S1-01

  14. Teoh Yun 1-02

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"

    1: We can have learning journeys that go to little india, kampong glam etc.
    - We can have a classroom competition with the theme "Racial harmony day"

    2. We can have some of the sports of the YOG, and create a competition about it.

    3: We can have a "Don't forget the lyrics" game for us, using NE songs.

  15. Emily (S1-07)
    We could celebrate National Day by having a concert with performances by students, the teachers and even the other staff of SST. We can have a fair where there's a stall from each of the class and they can do anything to best bring out theme.

    We can have a ceremony similar to the badge ceremony.

    Rap competition

    A food fair where students can try out different types of food from different cultures. A concert to show the different cultures.

    We can explain more about the YOG and why it is being held in Singapore and all the other details about YOG.

    Have fun understanding about the games in YOG through various games.

  16. CHAN JING JIE 1-01

    2 ways to let students understand the theme "Live our dreams, Fly our flag":
    (a) We can have each class to create a video on the motto.
    (b) We can also encourage each and everyone to wear either a red or white shirt, matching the colours of the flag

    Recognition for student ambassadors of NE committee: We could give a badge to all the NE committee members on that to let them have recognition of what they had done for the committee so far.

    Competition: We can have a X Factor of SST, whereby the students that want to take part can showcase their talents. However, the talent that they want to showcase must be regarding with NE(eg. drawing a portrait).

    2 ways to celebrate Racial Harmony Day:
    (a) We can have a treasure hunt between the classes. Each class would take different routes to find clues regarding NE. Only after finding all the clues, then they can answer the question about NE.
    (b) Have a short and interesting quiz on NE.

    1 way how the day can be celebrated with the Youth Olympic Games to demonstrate the theme:
    We can have activities whereby different races of people of different class compete against one another.

    1 way how this can also be done during the Character Education and Advisory Period that lead to the climax of the celebration on the actual day:
    The teacher can interact the class with activities(eg. Bringing them to the field to have a race).

  17. Kang Yan (5)

    National Day celebration 2010
    1. a) We can have meaningful activities and games to promote national day to other people.
    b) We can have a short concert to let people understand and learn more about our country and our belonging to Singapore.
    2. We can have an NE shirt to show our identity
    3. We can have an animation competition. The animation should be about Singapore, its importance and our belonging to Singapore.

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010
    1.a) We can have a food fair that sells difference kind of food from different races.
    b) We can have a concert that teaches us the importance of racial harmony.
    2. We can have people of different races to gather and take part in a sport event such as a relay.
    3. We can have a preview on what is going to happen on the actual day, and introduce different types of activities and things each race have.

  18. We can play games related to Singapore and national education and have pamphlets handed out informing us about National Education.

    We can have a presentation by all the members of the NE committee about National education and Singapore.

    We can have a class decoration contest about Singapore and the National Day theme.

  19. We can actually have interesting activities such as:
    A Inter-Class School Entrepreneur Bazaar-the class that raise the most amount of money wins
    An Inter-Class school fiesta-the class that raise the most money wins.
    We can actually wear traditional costumes to school on that day.

    Aaron Sng S108 18

  20. Carisa Chan (01) S1-02

    National Day Celebration

    (1) We can have activities that are related to National Day and we can revise on our knowledge of National Day. We can also visit places that are related to National Day such as the old Supreme Court at City Hall.

    (2) NE leaders can perform on that day on the theme "National Day" so that we will be recognised. We can also be given badges.

    (3) We can decorate our classrooms to fit the theme "National Day"

  21. Carisa Chan (01) S1-02

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration

    (1) We can wear our ethnic costumes to school. We can also have quizes on Racial Harmony which we can give prizes like badges.

    (2) We can have different races doing different kinds of sports.

    (3) We can play an exciting game like host an Amazing Race around the school with clues related to Racial Harmony.

  22. During National Day, we could have a fund-raising competition. We can go to an open space and sell things like food, drinks, DIYs, stuffed toys or let them play games.Then, the class that can raises the most money wins and could get some prizes.The money earned will go to the charity.

    During Racial Harmony day, the canteen could sell food that is popular from different races like char kwey tiao, laksa, nasi lemak…

    Wan Ray Chow (S1-06)

  23. Nadiah( s1-03 ):
    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".
    1) I planned to celebrate National Day by having a concert all about National Day, including a skit and a song-a-long session. I also planned to have engaging activities in class which is fun and exciting, using both technology and non-technology which really potray the meaning of National Day.
    2)I really did not want anything much for recognition but a ceremony would be quite alright as well as to know that other students respect us as an NE commitee.
    3) We could have an inter-class competition like setting up stalls to sell our own creative things.

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"
    1) to have a concert where there will be a mix of performances form different races and the school will allow students to wear their own ethic costumes and to have stalls set up with different games from different races so that students can try and familiarise with the games from other races.
    2) We can have some athletes from other country to say about their experiences in the sports they are good in and have some inter-class competitions.
    3) We can plan the events and let them watch some slides about racial harmony and youth olympics. Then we can ask them some questions pertaining to the slides.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Ma Wen An, Joshua S1-01
    National Day Celebration

    1) SST could put up a performance to show the importance of National Education. SST could also arrange to bring us to watch the National Day Parade.

    2) For recognition of the NE members, NE members could give a presentation.

    3) We should involve students in competitions such as creating posters to promote NE.

    Racial Harmony Day

    1) We could ask students who have ethnic costumes to put them on so other students can see what students of other races wear. We could also organise competitions to decorate classrooms according to the theme " Racial Harmony ".

    2) During the Youth Olympic Games, all races should be able to participate together.

    3) During Character Education and Advisory Periods, we could put together a presentation on Racial Harmony which will be presented to the class.

  26. Jaime Pang(04)Sec1-02
    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".
    1. We can hold a competition testing students on the history of Singapore
    2.Students can create a board game on National Education where by players are tested on their knowledge about Singapore
    3.We can get students to decorate their classroom to fit the nation day theme and give the top three classes prizes

  27. National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".

    1. We can have activities relating to national day and the teachers can perform a skit

    2.We can get the students to wear red and white during the day and allow them to use hairspray to "dye" their hair red etc

    3.We can do another garage band competition.

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"

    1.Allow the students to wear their traditional costumes to school baju kurung etc


    3.The teachers could get the students to participate in activities related to racial harmony day

  28. Name:Calvin Heng Class: S101
    a) To celebrate national education, we can reflect what has our country gone through for the past years and appreciate the hard work to build up the current country we are living in now.

    b)To celebrate national education we can introduce the importance of the uniting of Singaporean people and promote the importance of having strong bonds between one another so that we can go trace our own dreams yet unite together as one country. To show this, we will use Singapore as an example.

    2) We can wear shirts which has the name of the people printed on it, this way the others can easily identify the persons name.

    3) We should have a competition about decorating the class room that shows the races and cultures in singapore that all merge together to form one country.

    Racial Harmony

    1) We can have people from all the different races to create their own cultural products ( food, toys, tools etc.) and propose for everyone to see, this way we can all live learn and understand people from different believes,races and religion.

    2) We can place people from different races into a single group and we can ask them to do a certain task which is to understand each others cultures, this way, we can all learn the importances of racial harmony.

    Youth olympics

    1) We can all do a sport such as tug of war which requires team work, at the same time, in the group, we would put people of different races in it. As such it can result in people being forced to work with people who are of different races and learn the importance of racial harmony.

    CE and A lessons

    We can learn the different events that change peoples minds about racial abuse and learn that how can racial harmony help us all at the same time educating everyone to be a better citizen and work together to build a better place where all of the races can live in.

  29. Jaime Pang(04)Sec1-02
    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"
    1.The school can organize a inter-class competition where by each class will choose a group of 4,consisting of at least 1 of each religion or 2 of each religion.The first,second and third class will win prizes.
    2.The classes will be tested on their knowledge about other religions
    3.We can go outside of school to find out more about other religions

  30. Jonathan Then Tian Meng

    National Day

    1a) Ask students to perform for the country on National Day.
    1b) Have a competition on which class can perform the best using National Day songs.

    2) We could perform a skit about ourselves.

    3) The best dance using National Day Songs.

    Racial Harmony

    1) Different races could have a performance.

    2) Different races could do something like a chingay.

    3) We must appreciate other people's religion and culture and study more about them.

  31. National Day Celebration 2010
    1.We could let students watch a video about National Education to let them understand the significance of National Education. We can also have a contest about National Education.
    2.We could be given a badges?
    3.It could be a class decoration competition.

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010
    1.We could let students watch a video about Racial Harmony. We can also have a contest about Racial Harmony.
    2.People of all races participate together in the YOG.
    3.We can have a short skit.

  32. Heo Yub- S1-06

    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".
    1) Have the teachers perform a skit about national day or play a video about national day.
    2) Allow students to wear red and white clothing.
    3) We could have the students sing or parody a song that shows what Singapore means to them.
    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"
    1) There could be a showcase of different cultures in singapore and their food and a concert/skit about their cultures.
    2) We could show a video about the youth olympics and railcial harmony.
    3) We teachers could ask questions about the film afterwards.

  33. Tay Kun Yao 105 (20)

    1. i) Students can work together in a class and make a performance as a competition ii) We also can have a Drama performance or a few videos to tell students more about the theme.

    2. We can use trophies, certificates, a party, or maybe skits and game shows to show about ourselves.

    3. Students can make a Short video about the theme.
    1. i) Students can make a short video to celebrate Racial Harmony Day ii) Allow students to learn about other cultures.
    2. We can have a competition on Teamwork and a team of people of different cultures.
    3. NE Community members could organize indoor and as well as outdoor activities during CE

  34. Naveena (s1-09

    1.Have a celebration and show the students videos relating to National Day.

    2.Invite the student ambassadors of NE committee up on stage to receive a prize.

    3.Have an inter class competition with games that are related to Singapore and it's well-being.

  35. Michelle Dapito

    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag" :

    1) We can show the students a video about NE or Singapore's past and let students understand the significance of the theme and to let students (citizens or non-citizens) respect the sovereignty of Singapore.

    2) We could do a presentation or a skit.

    3) We can ask them to act out , sing/compose a song about the past of Singapore.

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World" :

    1) We can ask them to wear their own traditional costumes to school on that day. We also can ask them to perform something about their own culture.

    2) We can conduct some sports activities from their culture to let them play to let them understand more about their culture and YOG.

    3) We can go on excursions/field trips and learn about their cultures on CE and Advisory periods.

  36. Teo Yi Lin (o7) S1-02
    National Day

    1. (a)We could have a carnival parade where everyone are dressed like something that is significant to Singapore.
    (b)We could also have some games that are related to NE where they answer questions and accumulate their scores.

    2. We could wear a sash or badge that is noticeable so the others would know that we are from the NE community.

    3. We could try to have a flag designing competition which could be either in individual or groups.
    Racial Harmony

    1. (a)We could have some games which require one/few person/people from each ethnic group.
    (b)We could also have a NE quiz to see who knows more about Singapore. It could either be in individual or groups.

    2.We could have a competition about sports which includes a few people from each ethnic group.

    3.We could go out of school to other places which are related to understand more of the specific thing.

  37. Stacey - S1-09

    National Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Live our dreams, Fly our flag".

    1. (i) For each class, write down all their dreams and aspirations on a large piece of cloth and hang it somewhere that would remind them of their dreams and aspirations (exp. classroom)
    (ii) They could put up a play relating to how Singapore managed to pull herself after so much hardship.
    2. Have a T-shirt designed specially for the NE committee.
    3. Competition on designing the cloth. This will be based on his/her dreams.

    Racial Harmony Day Celebration 2010 - Theme: "Our Inter-connected World"

    1. (i) Have a group dance/singing competition, but each team has to consist of different races. All classes must sent out a team.
    (ii) Learn a language they have never learnt before from their peers or maybe learn their culture.
    2. Have our own mini-youth olympic games. Rules are of the olympic style. (Could we try hosting a country participating the youth olympic games?)
    3. Make stuff for your friends as part of friendship day.

  38. 1.Show the students how life would be like in other countries if they were not in Singapore but citizens of other countries.And the different groups to come up with a presentation what Singapore would be like without the government showing how important it is.
    2.Together the ambassadors will wear/put something unique to singapore on that particular day.
    3.Ask the students to make a presentation on what they think about what national day means to them in anyways they can think of like,presenting slides,drawings,singing,dancing....etc.

    Racial Harmony
    1.Ask the students to come in different culture/countries clothes sell different country food on that day.
    2.Have a competition based on the fact that if the later generation doesn't work together there will be no peace.
    3.Teacher can play some activities in class like having a quiz on the different cultures and about the day "Racial Harmony"What it means to them personally and put it up in the blog.

  39. 1) we can have some inter class competitions and can also have a lion dance session where students can learn more about lion dance and might even get to try it!

    2) We can have people wearing home clothes.

    3) We can have each class design their own class tee based on Chinese new year concept and let their imaginations run wild.

  40. Khoo Wu Shen

    National Day Celebration

    1) We can have classes to make video about Singapore and their thoughts

    2) We can have a small "Youth Olympic" in our school

    3) We can have classes to create cheers for Singapore.
